When buying a car, just treat every day like its April 1st.
NMR Used Mileage Mercedes Benz
Today we uploaded in excess of 1.1 million mileage readings... Read more →
When buying a car, just treat every day like its April 1st.
With the average age of the fleet in excess of eight years, this data is a welcome addition to the NMR
Today we uploaded over 165,000 odometer readings. As of 16:50 on 22nd Jan 2013 the National Mileage Register contains 7,931,350 individual mileage entries. Short update this month – we are busy!.
Savvy consumers know that the best deals in used cars can be had just before Christmas.
No long fingers here, NMR now stands at 7,612,579
Today we updated the NMR with over 140,000 batch readings. As of 4th October 2012 at 12:37 the National Mileage Register contains 7,307,324 mileage readings. -Addendum 9th October 2012, Interesting article on Cartell.ie, the UK is much more proactive than Ireland when it comes to preventing car clocking..
This morning we uploaded over 140,000 mileage readings via batch. As of 4th September 2012 10:25am the National Mileage register contains 7,155,925 mileage readings. NMR mileage demographics Noting that our fleet is rapidly ageing, we had a quick look at our recent mileage data, to confirm that were still receiving quality data for vehicles less […]
As of 31st July 2012 at 14:48 the NMR now contains a whopping 7,005,844 mileage readings.
Our link to the UK NMR in 2008 was the worlds first automated cross border mileage exchange.