Mileage checks are important

Just a brief note today, we are very busy at Cartell HQ getting ready for the Rally of the Lakes. Not only that we are processing some interesting new mileage data, hopefully it will be making its way to the NMR in the coming week or so. Anyway, back to the point, just a few minutes ago we uploaded over 150,000 mileage readings. As of 27th April 2012 at 11:45am the National Mileage Register contains 6,442,345 mileage readings.

Why are mileage checks important? We expect that later this year the average age of Irish cars will hit 8 years. Using the back of an envelope we can calculate that the average mileage for Irish cars is in the region of 75,000-115,000 miles depending on fuel type/cc etc. With a shortage of good quality second hand cars, and bigger numbers on odometers, clockers can more easily shave 10,000 or even 20,000 miles without raising too much suspicion. As every to reduce the chances of buying a clocked car, always check service history, be suspicious of below average mileage, persons wanting a quick sale at a low price, and always carry out a car history check..

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One Comment

  1. Lollipop
    Posted March 8, 2013 at 2:13 am | Permalink

    You’ve got a great blog here well done congratulations